Basic Management of Sugarcane at Vegetative Stage
About Lesson

Variety selection

Recommended varieties for sugarcane production are those adapted to the prevalent climatic conditions on site. It is important to know their characteristics and appropriateness to the site.  Planting materials must come from disease-free fields.

In selecting variety, consider the following:

  1. sucrose content- average to high-sucrose canes should be planted during dry months and should be harvested in not less than 12 months.
  2. Tonnage- high tonnage of average-to high-tonnage canes should be planted during dry months and should be harvested in not exceeding 12 months.
  3. Degree of flowering- flowering canes with high sucrose content should be planted during early milling season (September-December) and should be harvested not less than 12 months.
  4. Growth habit- fast-growing, good germinator, and drought -tolerant canes should be planted during dry months (March to May) and should be harvested 10-12 months after planting.

Planting materials

Planting materials are usually taken from cane plants in nurseries (cutback from 5-6 month old cane plants) or in the field during harvesting top points or young tops from 9-11 month old/mature canes). The quality of the seed pieces influences the germination and development of the sugarcane plant. Careful selection and consideration must be taken.

The seed pieces must have the following characteristics:

  1. with at least three viable buds, with firm tissue and well-developed internode cutbacks.
  2. avoid setts with dark buds since these are old setts.
  3. should not contain growing point or “ubod”
  4. should not be more than 4 days old after cutting
  5. taken from pest- or diseases-free stalks/fields
  6. has no mechanical damage, i.e., cracks . splits

Figure 2. Preparation of planting material

Figure 3. Planting materials containing three eye buds.