About Lesson
- Sanitized all the all the equipment to be used for milk processing.
( 1 cap zonclorox + 20 liters of water)
- Prior to Pasteurization, strain the collected and stored milk to remove extraneous materials.
3. Milk were tested for its consistency using “Cloth on Boiling Test”. This can be done by heating little amount of milk in the beaker in a double boiling method in 5mins. Once the milk coagulates or there is a presence of particles , it means that the collected milk is not fit for processing. If milk stays smooth, it is good as fresh and is fit for processing.
4. Using a double bucket pasteurized the milk boiler the milk until it reach up to 85℃and thaw it in a cold water.
5. When milk is already cool, you can now start packaging your fresh milk according to your
6. Your pasteurized milk can now be stored up to 7-10days when refrigerated.