Always remember that proper handling of caretakers and the good milking environment are important determinants of milking efficiency. After parturition, let the kid nurse with the Doe for about 7 to 10 days, this is to ensure that the kid get the necessary colostrum which is good for its immune system. After 10 days, kid are being separated and placed to the adjacent. It is important that the mother Doe still has the sight of its kid in order to continuously produce milk. Direct suckling of kid to the Doe is being discourage in order to maintain good quality milk that will be used for processing.
Milking should be done 6AM and 6PM, the process should not be delayed nor advanced. The Does will be milked using milking machine every morning. Fifty percent (50%) of the collected milk will then be used for processing while the other 50% will be given to its kid. Kid that are being separated from the Doe will be fed using bottle.
Note: During milking make sure that the buck should not be near the milking area to avoid transfer of the typical goat smell in the milk.