Management in Dairy Goats
About Lesson


Ad libitum – giving feeds to the animals in unlimited manner. Giving animal feeds more than what it requires.


Doe – the female breeder. The one that is producing an offspring.


Buck – the male breeder goat.


Chevon – the meat of goat after being slaughter.


Concentrates – refer to animal feeds that are rich in energy and/or protein but low in fiber, such as corn, soybean meal, oats, wheat, molasses, etc.


CMT (California Mastitis Test Kit) – is a diagnostic tool to aid in the quick diagnosis of mastitis in dairy cows, and for an udder health management program.


Forage –  feedstuff that are high in fiber and low in digestible carbohydrates usually grasses, shrubs or plant crop residues.


Mastitis – is an inflammation of breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection.  There is often a hard, sore spot inside the breast. This can result from a blocked milk duct or because bacteria enter the breast through a break in the skin.


Milking – the extraction of milk from the udder either manually or mechanically.


Pasteurization – refers to the process of heating a liquid to below the boiling point   and cooled immediately to destroy any harmful bacteria and micro-organisms. The process was named after its developer, Louis Pasteur.